Shelley Berkley, Mayor (At-Large) Brian Knudsen, Mayor Pro Tem (Ward 1) Victoria Seaman (Ward 2) Olivia Díaz (Ward 3) Francis Allen-Palenske (Ward 4) Shondra Summers-Armstrong (Ward 5) Nancy E. Brune (Ward 6) |
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City Manager Mike Janssen City Attorney Jeff Dorocak City Clerk LuAnn D. Holmes |
City Council Agenda Council Chambers · 495 South Main Street · Phone 702-229-6011 City of Las Vegas Internet Address: |
Facilities are provided throughout City Hall for convenience of persons with disabilities. For meetings held in the Council Chambers, sound equipment is available for persons with hearing impairments. Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with disabilities or impairments. If you need an accommodation to attend and participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk’s office at 702-229-6311 and advise of your need at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Dial 7-1-1 for Relay Nevada. | ||
February 5, 2025 9:00 AM A lunch break may be taken at the discretion of the Mayor. |
Items listed on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented; two or more agenda items for consideration may be combined; and any item on the agenda may be removed or related discussion may be delayed at any time. Backup material for this agenda may be obtained from LuAnn D. Holmes, City Clerk, at the City Clerk’s Office at 495 South Main Street, 2nd Floor or on the City’s webpage at |
The Mayor and City Council welcome your attendance, public comment related to the items on the agenda and citizen participation on items under the jurisdiction of the City Council at this meeting. If you wish to speak, we respectfully ask you to complete and submit a speaker card to the City Clerk. Cards are available online, in the Clerk’s Office or at the front of the Chambers as you enter. These proceedings are being video recorded and can be viewed live on city of Las Vegas TV on COX Cable Channel 2. You can also watch the meeting live online, and access other city content, by visiting The proceedings will be rebroadcast on city of Las Vegas TV the Wednesday of the meeting at 8:00 PM, and also on Friday at 4:00 AM, Saturday at 7:00 PM, Sunday at 7:00 AM and the following Monday at 5:00 PM. Note: Cellular phones are to be turned off during the City Council Meeting. |
*********************** THIS MEETING WAS PROPERLY NOTICED AND POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOTICING STANDARDS AS OUTLINED IN NRS 241.020: The City of Las Vegas website – The Nevada Public Notice website – City Hall, 495 South Main Street, 1st Floor |