Carolyn G. Goodman, Mayor (At-Large)
Brian Knudsen, Mayor Pro Tem (Ward 1)
Victoria Seaman (Ward 2)
Olivia Díaz (Ward 3)
Francis Allen-Palenske (Ward 4)
Cedric Crear (Ward 5)
Nancy E. Brune (Ward 6)
City Manager Mike Janssen
City Attorney Jeff Dorocak
City Clerk LuAnn D. Holmes
City Council Agenda
Council Chambers · 495 South Main Street · Phone 702-229-6011
City of Las Vegas Internet Address:
Facilities are provided throughout City Hall for convenience of persons with disabilities.  For meetings held in the Council Chambers, sound equipment is available for persons with hearing impairments.  Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with disabilities or impairments.  If you need an accommodation to attend and participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk’s office at 702-229-6311 and advise of your need at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.  Dial 7-1-1 for Relay Nevada.
April 3, 2024
9:00 AM
A lunch break may be taken at the discretion of the Mayor.

Items listed on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented; two or more agenda items for consideration may be combined; and any item on the agenda may be removed or related discussion may be delayed at any time. Backup material for this agenda may be obtained from LuAnn D. Holmes, City Clerk, at the City Clerk’s Office at 495 South Main Street, 2nd Floor or on the City’s webpage at

Online comments can be submitted via the City’s website at prior to the City Council meeting. The schedule for the Comments Period can be found on the above website.
The Mayor and City Council welcome your attendance, public comment related to the items on the agenda and citizen participation on items under the jurisdiction of the City Council at this meeting.  If you wish to speak, we respectfully ask you to complete and submit a speaker card to the City Clerk.  Cards are available online, in the Clerk’s Office or at the front of the Chambers as you enter.

These proceedings are being video recorded as well as presented live on KCLV, Cable Channel 2.  You can also watch this meeting live on Apple TV, Roku and Amazon Fire TV on the Go-Vegas app.  The City Council Meeting, as well as all other KCLV programming, can be viewed on the internet at  The proceedings will be rebroadcast on KCLV Channel 2 and the web the Wednesday of the meeting at 8:00 PM, and also on Friday at 4:00 AM, Saturday at 7:00 PM, Sunday at 7:00 AM and the following Monday at 5:00 PM.

Note: Cellular phones are to be turned off during the City Council Meeting.
Public comment during this portion of the Agenda must be limited to matters on the Agenda for action.  If you wish to be heard, come to the podium and give your name for the record.  The amount of discussion, as well as the amount of time any single speaker is allowed, may be limited.
BUSINESS ITEMS - 9:30 A.M. Session
For Possible Action - Any items from the 9:30 a.m. session that the Council, staff and/or the applicant wish to be stricken, tabled, withdrawn or held in abeyance to a future meeting may be brought forward and acted upon at this time.
For possible action to approve the Final Minutes by reference of the March 6, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting
Matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and have been recommended for approval by the Submitting Departments. All items on the Consent Agenda may be approved in a single motion. However, if a Council Member so requests, any consent item may be moved to the discussion portion of the agenda and other action, including postponement or denial of the item, may take place.
For possible action to approve a grant award from the State of Nevada Division of Emergency Management for the receipt and appropriation of funds from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Grant, Federal Fiscal Year 2021 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant (UASI) in the amount of $9,835.94 to support the Southern Nevada Community Emergency Response Team Program - All Wards
For possible action to approve a grant award from the State of Nevada Division of Emergency Management for the receipt and appropriation of funds from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Grant, Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant (UASI) in the amount of $80,732.64 to support the Southern Nevada Community Emergency Response Team Program - All Wards
For possible action to approve a Grant Agreement between the City of Las Vegas and Foundation for Recovery Inc., a Nevada non-profit corporation, in an amount not-to-exceed $1,145,000 to provide workforce training, job placement and recovery support services for adults with mental health and substance use disorders in Southern Nevada (Office of Strategic Services - General Fund) - All Wards [NOTE: This item is related to Council Item 26 (R-15-2024)]
For possible action to approve a Grant Agreement between the City of Las Vegas and Vegas PBS, licensed to the Board of School Trustees of Clark County School District, a political subdivision of the State of Nevada, a Nevada non-profit corporation, in an amount not-to-exceed $481,700 for the purpose of providing workforce education and training, apprenticeships, and career certification due to the impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency (Office of Strategic Services - General Fund) - All Wards [NOTE: This item is related to Council Item 27 (R-16-2024)]
For possible action to approve award of Contract No. 24.MWA969.D1-SK, Prime Design Services for Traffic Signal Improvements FY 2022, located within Lake Mead Boulevard at Hillpointe Road, Gowan Road at Cimarron Road, Ann Road at Shaumber Road, and Harris Avenue at Lamb Boulevard - Department of Public Works - Award recommended to: WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (Not-to-Exceed $400,000 - Traffic Improvements Capital Projects Fund) - Wards 2, 3 and 4 (Seaman, Diaz and Allen-Palenske)
For possible action to approve award of Contract No. 24.MWB048.D1-DD, Prime Design Services for East Las Vegas Legacy Park Feasibility Study Project, at various locations - Department of Public Works - Award recommended to: CIVIL SCIENCE, INC. ($150,000 - Parks & Leisure Capital Projects Fund) - Ward 3 (Diaz)
For possible action to approve award of Modification No. 1 to Contract No. 21.MWA.044-JH, Flamingo-Boulder Hwy North, Charleston-Maryland to Boulder Hwy and Maryland Parkway System (Charleston/Maryland Storm Drain), located within Charleston Boulevard from Fremont to Maryland Parkway, Maryland Parkway from Charleston Boulevard to Stewart Avenue, and 13th Street from Charleston Boulevard to Lewis Avenue - Department of Public Works - Award recommended to: LAS VEGAS PAVING CORPORATION ($2,200,000 - Road and Flood Capital Projects Fund) - Wards 3 and 5 (Diaz and Crear)
For possible action to approve award of Amendment No. 4 to Contract No. 160190-DC, Prime Design Services for Charleston Boulevard - Rancho Drive to Shadow Lane Medical District Pedestrian Upgrades - Department of Public Works - Award recommended to: HDR ENGINEERING, INC ($150,000 - City Facilities Capital Projects Fund) - Ward 1 (Knudsen)
For possible action to approve award of Amendment No. 3 to Contract No. 22.MWA378.C2-JH, Construction Manager at Risk for Downtown Civic Center Buildings and Plaza, located at 520 South Main Street and 70 East Bonneville Avenue - Department of Public Works - Award recommended to: CORE WEST, INC. ($26,100,000 - City Facilities Capital Projects Fund) - Ward 3 (Diaz)
For possible action to approve Interlocal Contract 3130 between the Cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, and Mesquite, Clark County, and the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) for the RTC to provide additional funding in the amount of $500,000 for engineering of the Hub 5 Intelligent Transportation System Facility Project located at 416 North 8th Street - Ward 5 (Crear)
For possible action to approve a Communications Site License Agreement between the City of Las Vegas (CLV) and NCWPCS MPL 32 - Year Sites Tower Holdings LLC (AT&T), a Delaware Limited Liability Company, for an existing cell tower located at 150 South Rampart Boulevard (APN 138-29-801-002) more commonly known as Angel Park Golf Club - Ward 2 (Seaman)
For possible action to approve the Real Property Purchase Contract between the City of Las Vegas (CLV) and 2033 Fremont Street Owner LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company, for the acquisition of real property located at 2033 Fremont Street, (APN 139-35-802-005) ($3,300,000 plus closing cost - Community Development Block Grant Fund) - Ward 3 (Diaz)
For possible action to approve Supplemental No. 4 to Interlocal Contract 1321 between the Cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, and Mesquite, Clark County, and the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) to decrease funding in the amount of $475,000 for construction of the Traffic Signal Maintenance On-Call Service Project - All Wards
For possible action to approve Supplemental No. 3 to Interlocal Contract 1320 between the Cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, and Mesquite, Clark County, and the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) to decrease funding in the amount of $735,000 for engineering of the ITS Master Plan Project - All Wards
For possible action to approve Supplemental No. 3 to Interlocal Contract 1010 between the City of Las Vegas and the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) to increase funding for right-of-way and construction of the Bus Turnout Project Eastern Avenue ($365,000 - Road and Flood Capital Project Fund [CPF]) - Ward 3 (Diaz)
For possible action to approve First Supplemental Interlocal Contract Annual Maintenance Work Program between the City of Las Vegas (CLV) and the Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) for Fiscal Year 2023-24 to increase funding in the amount of $1,300,000 to maintain CCRFCD’s facilities within the CLV ($1,300,000 - Road and Flood Capital Project Fund [CPF]) - All Wards
R-15-2024 - For possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing a grant in an amount not-to-exceed $1,145,000 to Foundation for Recovery, Inc., a Nevada non-profit corporation, to provide workforce training, job placement and recovery support services for adults with mental health and substance use disorders in Southern Nevada - All Wards [NOTE: This item is related to Council Item 12]
R-16-2024 - For possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing a grant in an amount not-to-exceed $481,700 to Vegas PBS, licensed to the Board of School Trustees of the Clark County School District, a political subdivision of the State of Nevada, a Nevada non-profit corporation, for the purpose of providing workforce education and training, apprenticeships, and career certification, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or its negative economic impacts due to the COVID-19 public health emergency - All Wards [NOTE: This item is related to Council Item 13]
R-17-2024 - For possible action to approve a Resolution consenting to the undertakings of the City of Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency (RDA) in connection with the Commercial Visual Improvement Program (CVIP) Agreement between the RDA and Ragsdale 1977 Trust and Richard P Lamb (Owner) and Infinite Holdings, LLC, dba Bridger Inn Motel (as Tenant and CVIP Participant) located at 301 South Main Street (APN 139-34-210-002), to be in compliance with and in furtherance of the goals and objectives of the RDA - Redevelopment Area - Ward 3 (Diaz) [NOTE: This item is related to RDA Item 5 (RA-3-2024)]
Public hearing on local improvement district for Special Improvement District No. 1485 - Alta Drive (Landscape Maintenance - FY 2025) - Ward 1 (Knudsen)
Public hearing on local improvement district for Special Improvement District No. 1516 - Fremont Street Maintenance District FY 2025 (Las Vegas Boulevard to 8th Street) - Ward 3 (Diaz)
Discussion for possible action regarding the recommended Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative Budget for the City of Las Vegas and the City of Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency - All Wards [NOTE: This item will be heard after the Community Development - Discussion section of the Agenda]
Discussion for possible action on the ratification of Anthony Ruggiero as Hearing Commissioner for the Las Vegas Municipal Court ($100,156 + Benefits - General Fund)
Discussion for possible action regarding the adoption of the City of Las Vegas Public Art Master Plan - All Wards
There is no public comment on these items and no action will be taken by the Council at this meeting, except those items which may be stricken or tabled. Public testimony takes place at the Recommending Committee Meeting held for that purpose.
Bill No. 2023-28 - Amends LVMC Title 6 to add a new chapter pertaining to the licensing and regulation of sidewalk vendors, as authorized and directed by State law. Sponsored by: Councilwoman Olivia Díaz
The items listed below, where appropriate, have been reviewed by the various City departments relative to the requirements for storm drainage and flood control, connection to sanitary sewer, traffic circulation, and Building and Fire regulations.  Their comments and/or requirements have been incorporated into the action. 
All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and have been recommended “for approval”.  All items on the consent agenda may be approved in a single motion.  However, if a Council Member so requests, any consent item may be moved to the Discussion portion of the agenda and other action, including postponement or denial of the item, may take place.
24-0099-EOT1 - EXTENSION OF TIME - SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW - APPLICANT/OWNER: RAMDA PROPERTIES NEVADA, LLC - For possible action on a Land Use Entitlement project request for the first Extension of Time of an approved Site Development Plan Review (21-0540-SDR1) FOR A PROPOSED SEVEN-UNIT ADDITION, CHANGES TO EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS TO AN EXISTING 11-UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITH WAIVERS OF TITLE 19.09 FORM BASED CODE STANDARDS on 0.20 acres at 306 North 9th Street (APN 139-34-612-069), T5-MS (T5 Main Street) Zone, Ward 5 (Crear). Staff recommends APPROVAL.
23-0467-VAR1 - ABEYANCE ITEM - VARIANCE - PUBLIC HEARING - APPLICANT: MARIA RODRIGUEZ - OWNER: RAUL GIL AND MARIA GIL - For possible action on an Appeal of the Denial by the Planning Commission on the following Land Use Entitlement project request TO ALLOW A 38-FOOT LOT WIDTH WHERE 100 FEET IS REQUIRED at 1201 South Commerce Street (APN 162-03-110-116), C-M (Commercial/Industrial) Zone, Ward 3 (Diaz). The Planning Commission (6-0-1 vote) and Staff recommend DENIAL.
24-0045-ROC1 - REVIEW OF CONDITION - PUBLIC HEARING - APPLICANT: LUCKY'S 1 FARM 82, LLC DBA LUCKY'S LOUNGE - OWNER: PIEDEMONTE FAMILY TRUST, ET AL - For possible action on a Land Use Entitlement project request for a Review of Condition of a previously approved Special Use Permit (U-0139-95) TO DELETE CONDITION OF APPROVAL NUMBER FOURTEEN (14), WHICH STATES, "THE HOURS OF OPERATION SHALL BE FROM 6:00 A.M. TO 3:00 A.M. ONLY" on 0.88 acres at 8025 Farm Road (APN 125-16-318-016), C-1 (Limited Commercial) Zone, Ward 6 (Brune). Staff recommends DENIAL. 
Set date on any appeals filed or required public hearings from the City Planning Commission Meetings and Dangerous Building or Nuisance/Litter Abatements.
Citizens Participation: Public comment during this portion of the agenda must be limited to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Council. No subject may be acted upon by the City Council unless that subject is on the agenda and is scheduled for action. If you wish to be heard, come to the podium and give your name for the record. The amount of discussion on any single subject, as well as the amount of time any single speaker is allowed, may be limited.
Comments made by Council members during this portion of the agenda must refer solely to proposals for future agenda item topics to be brought before the Council for consideration and action at a later date.  Any discussion must be limited to whether or not such proposed items shall be placed on a future agenda and no discussion regarding the substance of any such proposed topic shall occur.  No action shall be taken.
Discussion regarding potential items for future City Council agendas - All Wards
Council Member Recognition: Comments made by individual City Council Members during this portion of the agenda will not be acted upon by the City Council unless that subject is on the agenda and scheduled for action.

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The Nevada Public Notice website –
City Hall, 495 South Main Street, 1st Floor